Mural art in Nicaragua

International Symposium about Rubén Darío

Frescoes on movable panels.
Works taken from the poem “Los motivos del lobo” (The wolf’s reasons) of Rubèn Darìo.

EL AMOR DE UNA MARIPOSA (The love of a Butterfly)

Fresco on movable panel
University Politecnica of Nicaragua“UPOLI”, Managua

EL MEDITERRANEO NOS OFRECE: EL DESPERTAR DE UN SUEÑO (The Mediterranean is offered to us: the awakening of a dream)

Fresco on movable panel
University Politecnica of Nicaragua “UPOLI”, Managua

LA HISTORIA DE GRANADA (Granada’s History)

The history of the construction of Granada
Collaborators who participated 100%: Federico Matus, Sergio Serrano, Heizel Guevara, Denis Canales, Alberto Torres Cerrato, Sócrates Martínez.
Temporary collaborators arriving on the weekend: Reynaldo Hernadez, Jesus Castro, Zenia Margarita Alvarado Pasquier.
Convent of St. Francis – Granada de Nicaragua

Murales dedicated to the poet Rubén Darío

Collaborators: Federico Matus Vega, Heizel Guevara, Denis Canales, Sergio Serrano, Alberto Torres Cerrato, Sócrates Martínez, I also believe there were Carlos Triana and Miguel Ángel Fonseca, Francesca Penalba
National Palace of Culture and National Museum – Managua

Murales Military base Juigalpa

Juigalpa 2006
Military base of the 5th Region – Nicaragua

Santa Maria de Los Angeles’ Church

Barrio Riguero, Managua